Wednesday 9 September 2015

Comparison between CFL lamps and LED Bulbs

LED bulbs have the major advantages over the CFL lamps. LED has more efficient and 25 times longer than CFL. LED Bulbs does not generate heat so it not harmful for the human or environment. If you want to purchase lighting for the homes and offices then purchase lumens not watts. More lumens means light is brighter and less lumens more light is dimmer.

Now a day there are many LED bulb manufacturers in India but Techstrong systems is one of them, which provides you LED bulbs with more lumens. Our LED bulbs has more advantage –
Energy efficient
Long Life
Generate more lumens
Lightweight and compact
Environment friendly.

If we compare CFL lamps to LED bulbs then we cannot said that CFL is bad but in CFL do not generate lumens as comparison to the LED and has less long than LED. So prefer LED Bulbs and enjoy yours life.

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